Sunday, August 24, 2014

About me

Asalaamu Alikum,

We all come to a point in life when we say to ourselves "I need to get it together", "I need to rely on Allah more, in crease in Tawakal Allah", "I need to learn more about my Deen (religion), my prophet", "I need to love myself more", I need to "do me".  We may arrive at these points numerous times in life, simultaneously, independently you name it.  But in sha Allah we all reach moments of self reflection, where we are able to improve on ourselves. Perhaps the scariest place to be (for me) is in a state where we think he are perfect and infallible, where we think we have no need to improve. In Islam arrogance is a disease of the heart,  in fact our prophet Muhmmad said One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart."  May we be protected from that, Ameen. 

I have reached a point in my life where I have realized that I have soooo much work to do on myself. I embarked on a journey to get closer to Allah (SWT) and that journey took me to many places.  For one, I found the niqab. I had decided to wear it for Ramadan, and fell in love. Much like the way I fell in love with hijab and Islam some 10 odd years ago. Hand in hand with loving Allah is increasing my love for the things that Allah loves. This includes but is not limited to Rasullah and Quran.
This journey also lead me to myself.  I know that may sound contradictory and narcissistic, but they affect each other.  In fact disobeying Allah and not striving to increase iman, that is the ultimate form of self hate.  Not loving yourself enough to protect your soul.  As women we tend to give our all to our children, husbands, family and friends.  However we often fall short in taking care of ourselves.  We need to be sure to take care of ourselves, spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally etc.  Somewhere in the middle of these reflections this blog was born.

It was born out of a search for love.  Love of Allah and love of self. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your words about self-love. Self-love can make it easier for us to love and nurture others.

    Here is a wonderful quote I came across: love begets love, compassion begets compassion, virtue begets virtue, commitment begets loyalty, and service begets joy.
